My (19f) bf (22m) had had a friend since his childhood who I met recently after getting into a relationship with him. We have been together for 10 months. He has referred to her as “one of the boys” and his buddy. Before we started dating ,he would often be at her house for a night stay after getting high or drunk. She lives with her ucle and aunt and they do not really care for what she does.

I have met her and she seems to be very casual about everything. I didn’t get any indication that they might have more than just friendship. However, I have never gotten high or known anybody else who does and it leaves me with a lot of questions about what could happen.

One more thing to note is, my boyfriend didn’t tell me about this plan on his own. I asked him if had any plans for tonight and he told me he just recalled that he planned to smoke with her. I asked him would he have stayed at her house, he said he might or might have not. Apparently, she has some spare left with her and he wanted to join in. As of now I didn’t express any concerns on my part to him because I wasn’t sure if they are valid. Should I be worried ? If so, what should I do ?

TL;DR! – My boyfriend will go out smoking with a female friend of a long while, alone. I am wondering if it’s something I should be worried about.

  1. Sounds like a toss up to me, real good chance they just watch TV get super stoned, play games and talk about life. If what he’s doing is with honest intent then it’s like therapy lol

    And the other note, if he isn’t of good character the situation could be for the worse and they’re seeing eachother.

    You could also go hang out with them and make friends with her instead. Just because you don’t smoke doesn’t mean that you can’t hang.

  2. Is this normal? No

    Is it so strange you should worry? Probably not but……….

    Here is the real question how honest is he exactly? Is he a super high morals guy who would never ever lie or will he tell a small lie just to get his way? Answer this and you will know if what he is doing is dangerous or not.

  3. I am so old

    Is “smoking” a thing you go to do for an evening now?

    When I’m from, smoking is something you pop out for five minutes to do while your main activity is something else

    Is this weed? Is that why it sounds weird?

  4. Next time ask to go with and see how they react to you asking to go and being there. If no issues occur then don’t stress about it.

  5. It’s normal if he was single. In a relationship it’s disrespectful imo. He should at least come back home for the night.

  6. Well, if they are old fashioned, cigs always follow sex. Make of that what you will.

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