Hoo boy. Dunno where I get these thoughts. They just creep up like a snake.

So I did some volunteering for the local buskers festival in my city. I signed up on a whim, eager to offer myself and gain experience. I also do love the Buskers.

The coordinator was very cool and competent, overall great person and connection to have as I would love to become more of a part of the festival and be known more as someone to rely on. I think I had that going for me as he sent an email thanking us all and I wrote back saying it was nice to meet him and work with him and thanks for the experience etc., And a bit later he got back saying likewise and that he really appreciated my dedication and that he’d be in touch about sending me the volunteer certificate. I wanted to say “you’re welcome, anytime” or something that would adequately reciprocate the energy. But today I was at work and just wrote “you’re welcome, sounds great, thank you!”

I know this doesn’t look bad but it was a bit too formal I think. I sent it without really proofreading. I tried not to overthink it but am now, hours later, thinking “man, he’s gonna see that and be like ‘man, that was kinda short and formal'”. I wanted to say something that would keep the line of communication open, but what I said was very closing.

I know this is for a therapist. Just wanted to get off my chest. It’s so pathetic that I’m overthinking this but all I care about is the potential to be called upon for future opportunities. I feel like what I said was treating him too much like a business transaction and not enough like a new friend, which I guess he really is because we did hit it off well and his qualities as an organizer truly led to me deciding to show up every day (kind of got depressed before the festival began and almost wanted to cancel my shifts) but I pulled through and showed up to each shift and it was so rewarding. I wouldn’t say that to him but that’s the truth.

Anyhoo. I guess I’m realizing that no matter what I said I probably would be thinking I said the wrong thing. I’m learning how to communicate with people without over sharing while also not being overly cryptic. I wish I had put a bit more care into my response to him but there’s naught I can do now. Thanks for reading!

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