Hello Reddit!

I don’t know if this is the best place to post this question, but I will anyway. Please feel free to direct me to the right sub!


I was rejected for a Project Manager role after a face-to-face interview. One of the feedbacks I received was that I tend to speak too fast and not everyone will be able to follow along. I’ve also received that feedback at my current job where I was told to “enunciate”. Even this morning, I had to give a presentation and I felt that I was rushing through my topics and was asked to repeat a few things mid-presentation.

I am looking for ways to improve on my presentation/interview skills by slowing down and speaking clearly. Are there any tips/techniques I may follow?

Thank you so much. Will need some feedback for the next round of interviews!

1 comment
  1. Record yourself and then play it back. Use this to practice speaking more slowly than you think you should and pausing a little after each thought, or between items in a list. Try different speeds of talking, then you’ll find the one that sounds best – it’ll feel weirdly slow when you’re speaking but not when you listen back.

    Sometimes I speak too fast because my brain has so much it wants to express and it all comes tumbling out. Pausing more often, to allow the listener to catch-up, helps.

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