So this has been happening to me a lot. And I must say it really hurts. I’m 24 years old. I’ve been told by a lot of people I’m a good looking guy. I’ve had sex with a decent amount of women nothing too crazy but I’d say more than the average guy my age, some of which were very attractive. I’m currently single and I’m active on dating apps such as tinder/bumble etc. I don’t think I’m the most photogenic guy I think I look best in real life. But the photos I have on my profile are the photos I look best in out of all the photos I have of myself. I’m physically in good shape and I go to the gym regularly. I get regular haircuts and dress fairly well also. Now I don’t seem to have a problem getting matches. I match with some attractive girls the issue I’m having is when I eventually move the conversation off of the dating app onto another app. (Which usually is snapchat) girls will want a selfie. The front facing camera on Snapchat is not flattering in the slightest and I really struggle to find an angle where I can look good. The past 2 girls I’ve spoken to on snap have sent me selfies and wanted one back. The first one was showing very high interest and was even talking about going on a date with me she was replying quickly and seemed very interested in actually meeting me. But after I sent her a selfie she blocked me straight away and unmatched me on tinder. I couldnt believe it. It’s very hurtful and I find it especially frustrating because I know these girls aren’t out of my league whatsoever and if they saw me in real life they wouldn’t keep that same energy they would probably be attracted to me like they were when they swiped right on the dating app originally. The second girl I talked to yesterday asked for a selfie and I send one because she said her friend thought I was really hot. She then went really blunt over messages and I could sense the change in energy. I asked her to send one back and she left me on delivered for about 10 minutes and then deleted me and unmatched me also. It’s honestly very hurtful. I don’t know how some girls are this cut throat because I’ve never done this to a girl before. Even if I’m snap chatting a girl and I realise I’m not that attracted to her I don’t just block her like that it’s just crazy to me. Anyway any advice would be much appreciated thanks guys.

  1. Approaching people in real life is going to work better for you. Dating apps are for mashing pissers only. Don’t take it personally

  2. I feel your pain brother. The “fuck boy” selfie where you only take a picture of half of your face would be your friend.

    I have the same problem…only including have your face will help as you don’t have to worry about the symmetry of your face ect. Not great but should be good enough to hold you over till you get a date

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