People who make rude jokes after knowing you for literally 2 minutes, like telling my boyfriend it’s never too late to sleep around (while I was standing next to him) and asking if my mom’s a drug addict because she’s an artist. They say it’s humor, I say it’s classless.

I was raised in a loving environment with solid values, I went to private school and university and all that crap. And while I have that in my toolbelt to ground myself, it still hurt and I can’t get over it.

Although I’m proud of myself for refusing to compromise my values and stoop to their level, I still feel like I should’ve fought back. Then again I’m pretty sure that’s just the anger talking, so all I really have left is to forgive them… but I can’t.

Any tips on how to do it and what I can do if it happens again in the future? Thank you in advance

1 comment
  1. What did your boyfriend say to the ‘sleep around’ comment? If he didn’t call them out on it, then he’s not worthy to be your boyfriend.

    So, start there.

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