i (22f) have never been in a relationship. i busied myself with other things during my teenage years, and didn’t really have the confidence to put myself out there until recently. i know that i bring a lot to the table, and would absolutely be a loving & supportive girlfriend.

however, i’m getting discouraged because i’ve had instances with two guys in the past year who have shown clear signs of interest, (one of whom explicitly told me that he liked me and even offered to help me move), but each of them ran for the hills when i told them how i felt and it came time to set up plans.

i would consider myself to be intelligent, and i’m also pretty serious about my goals, which can probably come across as intimidating to a lot of guys. i know in my heart that there is nothing that makes me unworthy of love, but i’m tired of getting led on.

i truly know that i don’t need a man, and i am happy without one. i’m just hurting a lot because these people genuinely seemed to be interested, and then left me high and dry. i would be hurting a lot less if each of them had respected me enough to be honest about their true intentions and feelings.

i don’t know exactly what i’m looking for or asking, but i’ve been pretty down in the dumps. i guess i could just use some support from someone who has been in my situation, as well as some advice on how not to become a total cynic while also being objective when it comes to approaching new love interests. thank you for reading 🙂

  1. Look, it sucks you had a couple bad experiences, but try to be rational here and understand that two instances of having bad apples does not equate to all men being this way.

    You are so incredibly young, turning into a cynic at your age will only do you a lot of harm and affect nobody else.

  2. Because you’re mistaking sexual interest with relationship interest. They are only interested in sex and when they sniff out that you want a relationship they bail. What you’re experiencing is the most common problem that women face in the dating world.

  3. I feel men and women both act like that when they are unsure about themselves . Most people overthink and get scared when they see that their partner are interested. It’s their issue not yours .
    I had a same experience with a girl she was sure and then unsure . She talk to her friends and get influenced with them so she change her mind according to their friends

  4. You come off pretty intense with how serious you are and all your life plans. Just wanting to have sex aside, they might just want to date a little bit and they’re turned off by how aggressive you’re pursuing a relationship.

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