Let’s benchmark it at…mutual interest has been established, fairly regular texting (most days, some correspondence), maybe even a few good dates under your belt.

  1. My girlfriend is going through a pretty rough time at home right now so every now and then, instead of a regular text, I’ll send a voice message.

    She’ll sometime reply with “God I needed that”, “It’s so nice to hear your voice” or “I’ve really missed you today”

    Makes me really happy to know that all I need to do to cheer her up is to speak to her. I love getting those kinda texts off her. It’s very reassuring to me about the relationship and the bond we’re slowly starting to form.

    Edit: Should mention we are still a very young couple so I guess this fits here technically.

  2. Cute ones. “Hey handsome” “Goodmorning😊” “Let me treat you on a couple billion euros”

  3. Simply. ‘Thinking of you today.” Or “what we doing this weekend?” It speaks of the us aspect instead of the you vs me.

  4. Anything really. Like: “good morning” or “how was your day” or “can’t wait to see you again” or “I can’t wait to get on you and ride you like I stole you.” Just wholesome stuff like that.

  5. A simple unexpected, “Hey, what are you doing?”.

    Or, a few hours later, “I can still smell you on me mmmmm” 😎

  6. Ones where they initiate the conversation. It shows that they’re at least somewhat interested in me and it makes me feel appreciated when I’m not always the one having to initiate me. Even if it’s a simple question like “did you do anything exciting today?” goes a very long way and will honestly make me more enthusiastic to continue talking when the effort I put in is reciprocated.

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