This question kind of popped up in my head after doing training with another new coworker. The two of us were going around the building and figuring out what we were going to be doing when we officially start. We barely talked although we asked each other some basic questions while having lunch. I felt I was the one asking more questions and that I sounded more enthused, gave more detail, etc. when answering questions. I wanted to initiate more conversation especially earlier so it wouldn’t be quiet but I just couldn’t think of anything to say.

This made me wonder, am I boring or was he boring? Usually I’ll wait for another person to initiate conversation unless the other person is barely talking. If I’m with someone talkative I appreciate it a lot and find myself more talkative as well, but when I’m with someone who’s also quiet I start to feel really boring. How do I know if I’m the boring one or if the other person is the boring one when I can’t think of anything to say and there’s awkward silence?

  1. Everybody is boring. To be interesting you need someone to be actually interested. Even Da Vinci could sound boring to someone not interested.

  2. I think it’s also not fair to even ask yourself that question in a situation where you’re talking to a person simply because you work together. If you’d met, say, at a concert, sports event, community-driven event (like an open mic or something like that) then you’d have a lot more things to talk about!

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