My husband and I, recently married and moved in together after 4 years dating have been having issues keeping the bedroom alive. I work Mon-Fri and he works Mon- Sat in a very physical job . I have chronic fatigue and when he gets home he’s exhausted and I’m exhausted so sex only happens on Sundays. I would really want to know how other couples in our situation manage to make it better… tons of coffee maybe??
Thank you for your replies .

  1. Im running into the same problem with my wife whos super busy with work and college. We literally have to schedule date nights, but she doesnt like scheduling.

    So we’re at an impasse. Basically we get 1 real date night every 2 weeks when everything is planned out perfectly

  2. Once per week can be enough for some couples. It’s really about what makes both of you happy. A quickie in the morning is a great way to start the day!

    And intimacy isn’t just set. Make sure you hug and kiss often. Hugs should be sustained 20 to 30 seconds). Cook dinner together. Hold hands when you watch TV. Make sure you are keeping up with physical touch every day.

  3. For us.. on days we are tired and may not have energy we may do things like mutual masturbation or oral sex, use toys on each other, or even just make out and cuddle. That way we can still connect with each other without tiring ourselves out extra with PIV.

    We struggle with mental health issues and especially my husband he is more affected by stress and works a more physical job. He really enjoys using toys when he is tired!!

  4. You have to make sure you are speaking the same language first. If you set time for it but aren’t speaking to your spouse then forget it.

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