Is it weird or self-centered to send out a Christmas card to friends and family every year that has a picture of me and my husband on it? We’re late 30’s and no kids so it’s just us and our dog (dog won’t be around much longer, though ☹️) . Sometimes it’s a professional shot, but usually self-taken in a Christmasy-scene.

Its obviously normal and adorable to do family photos in Christmas cards but Is it weird for people who don’t have kids?

I love doing my cards every year!! I just don’t want people to think we’re full of ourselves or delusional 🤣🤷🏼‍♀️

  1. I personally don’t think it’s weird. I love seeing pictures of friends and family, kids or not. If you enjoy doing it I say keep doing it!

  2. Personally I think it’s a bit self indulgent even with children in, unless it’s just for close family. I’m British though and it’s not really the done thing here.
    Perhaps one with just the dog.

  3. Definition from google:

    “Family: A family is a group of two or more persons related by birth, marriage, or adoption who live together”

    You and your husband is still considered a family photo.

    Plus if you love doing it, why stop??

  4. We get one every year from two different couples about your age. They used to each send the postcard type pic with their dog, now they each have a child, so they’re still sending them, with kids and dogs. It’s fine, but I don’t keep them; they get discarded after the New Year.

  5. Do it! It sounds adorable and you’ll regret not having your last family photo with your doggie if he’s not here by next Christmas.

  6. My family on my moms side sends me pictures during Christmas but I haven’t heard from them in many years and I tried to reach out to them and didn’t respond but have time to send me a Christmas card. I only look at them and see how they are doing in the photo and it’s a toss.
    If I did send a Christmas card, I would make sure to speak or make some talk with then within the year or make it personal.

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