What would you do if you find out that your SO make fun of you behind your back? (serious)

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  2. It would really depend. My wife and I make fun of each other to our faces, so I wouldn’t be surprised. But like all things there are the stuff where there’s sensitivity and you need to be aware of those things.

  3. Hell to the naw naw naw (come on, come on, come on!)

    Hell naw, to the naw naw naw (hell to the naw)
    Hell to the naw, to the naw naw naw

  4. There are a lot of levels of “making fun” of someone and the pain it would cause would vary depending on the topic, who they were discussing, and if they would say it to my face openly or not.

    If my wife is making fun of my cleaning habits to her mom, I don’t care.

    If she is talking to some random guy at work about me being unintelligent, or something insulting, that would be hurtful.

    If you are feeling hurt, hopefully you have the openness to discuss it in your relationship.

  5. Like a fun teasing thing we both laugh about or rudely criticizes me such as my work or hobbies I’m proud of?

  6. I would seriously reconsider being in that relationship. If it was a one time thing then we could probably work through it. If she’s always making fun of me or talking bad about me it’s over, 100% doneville, finito, au revoir, hasta la vista goodbye bitch seeya never 🖕

  7. I don’t really think I’d mind. Maybe I’m just..numb to that sort of thing?

  8. Totally depends on what it’s about.

    Are they striking a nerve or not
    Are they trying to hurt you
    Are they just teasing
    Do you also find this funny

  9. Leave. First find out why, you could learn from it. Then leave. It indicates a clear lack of respect

  10. What is it? If it is about very private stuff- like sex or my body or something very personal to me- then I am well ended with him or her.
    If it’s just random stuff – then I will let him know that I know about it and please don’t do it next time as it’s hurtful

  11. It would warrant a serious discussion, and if she doesn’t seem to show any intention of stopping it could be the end.

  12. If she’s taking the piss out of you, and not in an endearing way – leave. Do not under any circumstance tolerate disrespect.

  13. If it’s playful and joking I’d be fine with it. If it’s mean and hurtful that’s probably something I’d seriously consider divorce over.

  14. It depends. I’m fine with being the butt of a joke. But if its like, constant and mean and hard to tell if it is a joke thats not on…
    If the person who told me was worried about it enough to tell me than its probably the latter.
    I’d confront him about it. Tell him i didn’t appreciate it and ask him to stop. If i’m told he doesn’t stop i’d probably end up breaking things off.

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