I am married with children (from a previous marriage) and have a full time job. My husband has recently retired, and became a night owl. He would stay up all night and sleeps till late afternoon. I on the other hand, have to wake up early morning to get my children ready to school, and drop them on my way to work. The problem is that my husband gets bored by staying up alone and would ask me to stay up with him. I am one of those people who would struggle to sleep and if anything wakes me up I cannot go back to sleep.

I have to get on a strict sleeping schedule for days before I get a regular sleeping pattern going and if I stay up for only ONE night then I have to do the process all over again. I explained that to my husband and that lack of sleep is putting a strain on my mental and physical health. I would have gastric problems, gain weight, lack focus and become really irritated. He says that I am exaggerating.

  1. Your husband should try a sleep schedule that is more compatible with yours. You can’t take care of all of your responsibilities and entertain him when he’s bored. If he’s unwilling… separate bedrooms.

  2. You should both go to bed when you want to or go to bed for whatever suits your best interest. Maybe he needs a part time job or hobby because if he goes to bed when you do he’ll be just as bored during the day as he is at night because no one’s home.

  3. What a narcissist . He’s retired and wants you to go to his schedule not him adjusting to yours ?


  4. Most of his social interactions are during the evening or weekends. No one would socialise during daytime. I do not have much of social life myself.

  5. Most of his social interactions are during the evening or weekends. No one would socialise during daytime. I do not have much of social life myself.

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