I’ve been working to be more picky with friends with my therapist. l feel like I keep choosing the wrong people to be my friend/I sort of ignore certain red flags with friendships and try to please people who can cross boundaries.

I’d like to know how you parse out who you’d like to be friends with? What are some red flags you would avoid and early ones you check before being friends with someone?

  1. Also, if they compare their physical looks to your physical looks constantly and say things like “wow, I look so old/fat, etc compared to you.”

  2. People i meet respect me as much as i respect myself.

    So when i feel like i don’t get the respect i deserve from other people, i take a break and work on my self acceptance and do things that make me better on my own.

  3. Making jokes at your expense that aren’t funny to you, asking questions that feel overly intrusive, talking g badly about other people (they will do that to you when you aren’t around, too).

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