Need to commiserate? Get it off your chest! We know dating can be frustrating and this is the place to talk about it.

  1. Finally got my chance to ask out a girl that I’ve seen around my job. She just got off a break up but we meeting up for this Saturday. Feeling pretty good about it.

  2. I’m in a situation where I have no logical reason to feel the way I do. None of my past patterns apply, which is probably a great thing, but also, because I don’t recognize anything that I’m feeling and experiencing, I don’t know what to do and feel stuck. None of my past tools seem to help: exercise, socializing, meditating, jumping in a cold body of water, being with family… I feel absolutely unmoored. I can’t sleep. I can’t focus. I’m having a very uncharacteristic obsessive loop about “what if.” I’m too old for this nonsense and don’t feel like I have anything to grieve, so I can’t even get out of my own head to allow myself to accept that this is something different and it still hurts.

  3. I deleted the apps. Time to work on myself more while hoping I meet a nice man somewhere in person. It is not totally impossible… right???

  4. Have had a decent number of OLD matches recently. I usually ask to meet up after a dozen or so messages over the course of a few days, something chill like coffee or drinks. I’m not one for much small talk, especially given the burden of choice most women have on OLD.

    Unfortunately, this hasn’t translated to many first dates yet. Is it a turnoff to ask too quickly? I figure if they weren’t comfortable yet but were still interested, they could suggest a video call or something before meeting in person.

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