My partner some days back asked me if there is some family issue would I quit my career forever? I told him that quitting would not be my first resort. I would try for remote job or part time job or a small career break till things get better. He got angry and said that I’m being selfish even in a hypothetical situation and that I am not being adaptive. Now he is not talking to me since 2 weeks. just wanted other perspectives.

  1. you call this little boy your “partner”? you should read what a healthy relationship should be like and see how far you are from it based on this little paragraph you have written. he is not your partner. it is apparent because he has no respect for you

  2. Ask stupid questions win stupid prizes lol. He sounds incredibly immature getting upset over a hypothetical situation.

  3. >haven’t talked to me in 2 weeks

    Yeah not sure if that’s still your partner

    Tell him you will do it if he is making six figures and signs a prenup saying he will pay you alimony to maintain your life should thinks go south.

    He cant expect you to give up your freedom (your career and source of income) and then let you fall into poverty when he upgrades you for a younger model.

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