I like this girl and we follow each other on social media. I came across one of her old posts on Tumblr from about a year back. She seems like a nice girl, but I don’t know if based on this post, I should attempt to see if I should make a move on her. My friends said based on her post, she seems stupid, illogical, complicated, and not true to her feelings. What do you guys think? This was her post.

>My crush approached me today, but I told him to not come any closer. He was checking up on me, but I told him to not worry and asked why he came. I said leave me alone and he can’t be concerned with me. I thought I understood, but seeing my sister with him was painful. Seeing them as lovers was painful. I’m such a terrible girl telling him to go out with my sister. She told me they kissed. I was glad for her, but as soon as I went back to my room, my chest felt tight… painful… It shouldn’t be strange seeing them together since they’re going out. That wasn’t his first kiss, was it? But when I realized it, I started crying. I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t stop it no matter how many times I told myself. I can’t see them normally anymore. I couldn’t be in school anymore. It’s too late to realize that it was deceiving.
>I was scared. I was scared of confessing. If I confessed and got rejected, we couldn’t talk as friends anymore. I thought about never being by his side again. Just staying friends like this forever is fine. I thought it wouldn’t be painful. That’s why I kept in my feelings. I regret it… I’m an idiot, aren’t I? Even though I decided this myself and chose this path, I can only feel regret. I’m so cruel. While getting him and my sister together and telling her to give it her best, my secret and sincere wish was for her failure. My regret of not getting rejected filled my thoughts while helping her
>I hate myself. Even while helping others, I could only think of myself. Not wanting to hurt myself, yet wanting to hurt others. I hate that about myself. My crush tried to comfort me. Why…? Doesn’t he know what would happen? I decided to forget trying, but he’s kind to me. It’s cruel, I should’ve coldly pushed him away. I should’ve never known how warm his embrace was.
>I’m sorry I like you. That’s why you shouldn’t be kind to me. I’m an idiot because if you’re nice to me, I’ll misunderstand you. I won’t be able to take it any longer. I told my crush I’m not my sister then I smiled at him and said bye.

TLDR: Interested in this girl, but not sure if I should make a move based on one of her posts from a year back. She’s definitely over the guy, but my friends say she seems stupid, illogical, complicated, and not true to her feelings. What do you guys think about her? As in your impression based on the post?

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