After undergrad I went straight to grad school in a different state. I just finished and I’m finally noticing I hit pause on my friendships and relationships, but the people on the other end of those relationships seemed to have changed the channel while I had it on pause.

Hope I word this in a way that is understood but all of my two year paused feelings, connections for my friends and even some romantic partners are fresh. 2 years for me flew by, I essentially had tunnel vision in my work and quite literally feel like I buried my head in the sand to avoid distraction.

I don’t know what to do. Am I wrong. I don’t think anyone is mad at me I think they’ve just forgotten me and forgotten that I feel close to them bc perhaps they don’t feel that way about me anymore .

Has anyone done this? I feel like I live in my head so much that I forget to grab reality. In my head I’m still close with all my best friends, in reality I haven’t spoken much to them in two years . In my head I’m still in love with a broken off relationship, in reality that relationship is two years broken off.


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