What can we do as men to improve the horrible dating scene?

  1. Completely stop giving Women free attention/Money/online

    Stop using Social Media

    No more Spending money on Sugar Babies, OF content, and Feet pics

  2. We could legalize sex work. Make it taxable and more secure for everyone involved. Then people can be fuckboys all they want without having to be in a relationship until they are actually ready

  3. There really isn’t much you can control, except yourself. If you’re trying to date, make sure you have good pictures and a solid profile. Know what you want. Present well: well fitted clothes, good hygiene, and workout a few days a week. Just be a good person with interests and don’t be discouraged.

  4. Dating seems like it would be pretty terrible. I hooked up plenty in my day and had a few long term girlfriends and I don’t think I’ve even been on an actual date.

  5. Nothing. It’s hopeless.

    You got one guy saying we should stop using apps and try to cold approach in the streets instead which I shouldn’t have to explain why that idea sucks balls.

    Another saying to stop paying attention to women, which much like vaccines requires a critical mass of the population to do, so rather unfeasible.

    Some douche saying “be less horrible” because he lucked out, someone took a chance on him and now he makes quick impulsive judgements and assumptions on others while telling himself that he’s such a great guy.

    And another guy who says “pay for it” which realistically has been going on since society started.

    Dating sucks. Women gotta stay safe and we got to find someone who’ll take a chance on us, that trusts us, and pretty much every window to show that we can be trusted is closed off. Cold approach, get labelled a creep. Apps, soo many problems, like if she matches chances are she’s looking for only her fans or trying to get you to buy into her pyramid scheme. Try to be friends first, be “just friends” forever.

    There’s no fix, only problems.

  6. In Melania’s words: “Be best”!

    But seriously – you can only be responsible for your actions, so just be the best version of yourself, and that includes how you treat others.

  7. Be selective in who takes your time and energy and get off the apps and meet real women in real life

  8. First, men are not a collective. Second, it takes two to tango. Conclusion: Nothing *systematic* can be done to improve the dating scene.

    But you, as an individual (no matter if male or female) can do something to make your individual experience better.

  9. Do the things you like to do without dating. If you meet another person while doing so, you already have something in common with them and then be a friend to them. If something develops, hurray, if not, you have a new friend. No downside.

  10. By trying to be a decent person and do things “the right way” instead of the convenient way or the “good for me” way.

    This will, however, require women to do the same, and that’s where the problem is. Everyone is so insecure and wary about being screwed over that they try to protect themselves by screwing others over first or by acting crazy to make sure you’re not trying to screw them over.

  11. I do believe a solid 80% of men simply fail at “looking sharp”. And have no idea how much looking presentable would have a positive impact. From the way they dress, hair, facial hair, teeth, smell, etc. the vast majority of men could address these easily correctable errors and be in with a shout at getting into the top 20% territory.

  12. Just focus on the things that you can control , be realistic with your expectations and be honest with yourself on what you want

  13. Get a grip on reality.

    Accept that there are no 9‘s & 10’s using online dating. They may be to you once you get to know them but assume that if they look too good to be true they are probably heavily phoshopped, Only Fans sex workers or cat fish. Stop rewarding them.

    Next be very selective about who you connect with online. Don’t spray match clicks. Take the time to do it properly and try to be original.

    I strongly advise the in person approach over online dating if possible. It very easy to ask some if they woudl like to go out with you on a date. Surprise them by calling it a date.

    Expect nothing on a first date other than good time doing something with female companionship. Take your time to fully attract and seduce them if that is your goal. If they are good women then they are worth the wait.

    Surprise them by being a gentleman. No inappropriate conversations even if they begin them. Listen and respond to what they say.

    Make commitments for follow up and do exactly what you commit to.

    Plan a decent date. No winging it or Netflix and chill. It doesn’t have to be an expensive dinner. Find something interesting to do or see.

    If the connection is not there let them know kindly.

    Do all this and the women will learn that they have to do better.

  14. Stop pandering to women’s bullshit temper tantrums. Do you know how many people on this planet have a vagina? HALF. Women aren’t special by virtue of being women. Make them earn that shit.

  15. Lots of men tend to avoid the red flags in hopes of getting laid. Please do not avoid the red flags, don’t give that person validation or make them feel like their behavior is acceptable.

  16. Don’t participate in it.
    There are many great single women who are avoiding the dating scene as well and the only way to meet them is through shared activities and friends.

    The casual dating scene is messed up. Women can spot a very attractive guy quite easily, but unfortunately Above Average Adrian blends in with the many desperate degenerate dudes she has had encounters with on OLD and even bars.

    If you’re not a top looking guy, play to the strengths of women being less picky with looks so long as she meets someone in a safe social setting. Focus on making friends, then make a move if you like anyone.

    Don’t give up entirely but do make a significant course direction.

  17. Just accept the fact that women just don’t need men anymore. And the men that women want, don’t need them…unless it’s physical.

  18. I don’t know the answer, but I’ll take a stab from the old married guy perspective. I don’t know anything about the dating apps, etc. but my single friends say the dating world is horrible. I found my wife through work. We courted, the old fashioned way. Uncomfortable phone calls. Dates, little written notes and cards. I opened her door for her, etc. My dad told me “behave like a gentleman and you’ll attract a lady”. Fast forward… I passed that along to my daughter “act like a lady and you’ll attract a gentleman”, and my daughter just got engaged. She met her fiancé through college. They courted, with a modern twist, text messages and emojis and such, and of course this young man is a gentleman.

    A few more bits of dating wisdom: My old man also said “a real cowboy doesn’t cuss in front of women and children”. I’ve held to that, and my daughter recently remarked how many of her friends’ boyfriends are foul-mouthed, but not her fiancé.

    Lastly, we men must raise our sons and daughters to be the next dating scene, and that really begins at such a young age. We didn’t get here as a society overnight.

  19. Nothing, men have been ruined. I have friends who actually make dates sign consent forms before having sex thats where we are in society. One extreme to the other.

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