I’ve seen a lot of guys doubt themselves when they get friend zoned. These guys then start to doubt if their personality is any good and often try to overcompensate by swinging the other way (usually a “nice” guy will start to act like jerk in hopes of attracting the woman.

Just think about it this way, why would we want to be friends with you if your personality isn’t good? We LIKE your personality if we friendzone you, but we just aren’t physically attracted enough to date you in a romantic way.

So I would say that if you’re getting friend zoned a lot, work on improving you appearance, your physique, your face, etc. This should usually solve the issue. In fact, a little anecdote… I had a guy friend who I friend zoned about 10 years ago and wasn’t physically attracted to him at the time. He then had a glow up and years later, I suddenly wanted to date him because I found him sexually attractive.

  1. Sometimes it’s not that you are not physically attractive, I am just do not feel romantic attraction/am not interested in having a relationship in general

  2. – nice username

    – I generally agree with this advice

    – fellas, always remember you don’t have to stay in her friend zone if you don’t want to. Leaving the friendship is always an option. Putting some distance between you and her, and having her in your “acquaintance-zone” is also an option. Obviously if you’re happy being just friends, then nothing has to change. These are all equally valid options.

  3. Breaking news: women just as shallow as men. In other news, the sun is bright and water is wet.

  4. It could be personality. I have different standards for friends than a relationship. I have definitely friend zoned guys whose personality was not something I was interested in dating.

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