If you had to pick a time (that isn’t 2022) to live in, which one would it be and why?

  1. Ironically, 2020. Yeah I know…but it genuinely was the best year of my life. I got fit. Got my first gf. Made a TON of new friends. Graduated high school. Holy shit that year was lit for me.

  2. I’d go back to 2002 and kick myself in the ass for saying yes to that first line of coke.

  3. Probably 70’s to 90’s, when things were great, and the internet hadn’t taken over the world.

  4. 1990- pre 9/11.

    Born in late 90s. Curious to see what life was like before social media. Great music and I love Japanese cars from that era. Simple, reliable, and beautiful. Also, during that time it was peak WWE (Attitude Era).

  5. 4044, because either I’ll die straight away because society has completely collapsed and humans are extinct OR we’ve finally sorted our shit out and have a galactic utopia.

  6. 2015-2018. By far the happiest year of my life and I didn’t even realize it. Not that my life is bad now, but looking back I had absolutely everything and the things that bothered me back then would be minute in comparison to some things that came later.

  7. 2019! Had a good job, deans list, vacationed in fla a lot, had a smoking hot gf (now ex), was still playing hockey, & was truly happy

  8. I like how my time is so far, but I’d like to try and be like Fro from Futurama and see the yr 3000. But not the sad shit where I can’t go back RIP Seymour Asses

  9. Go back to 2014 when I opened my first stock investing account. I’d be loaded already

  10. 1969

    Women went on the pill and began opening up sexually.

    STD’s were curable with penicillin.

    Pot was becoming generally available.

    The music was not formulaic.

    Cars and motorcycles were cool. Camaros and Nortons.

    You could dress anyway you felt.

    It pre-dated the gun ownership promotion of the NRA.

    Religion was a private matter.

    Fast food and the resulting obesity was uncommon. If you think fat women get rejected today you cannot imagine how hard it was back then.

    We hadn’t discovered the duplicity of the government and the arms manufacturers.

    Feminism was about equality and not control.

    The middle class was doing well economically.

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