And I feel like crawling into a ball and dying. Just gave my boyf a blow job and he was taking ages to cum. He was even watching porn during and he just wasn’t really super hard. I thought maybe he was tired or something. Finally got him done with my hand and I asked him at the end what was wrong and he said I kept catching my teeth on his dick. Ugh. For reference I have bigger front teeth and I’m super self conscious about it but I’m always trying not to catch them on his dick, wrapping my lips around etc. The problem is that he likes lots of tongue and fast up and down mouthing not sucking and it’s hard to coordinate sometimes idk. I’ve watched every video tutorial ever made I think and I still manage to fuck it up.

I’m considering letting him sleep with other women or just breaking up with him because I’m so useless. He said don’t worry everyone has flaws and faults and that did not help! I want to be good and perfect! He’s been with literally loads of women and I just feel so inadequate and stupid. I’m catastrophising I know but I also feel like how will anyone else ever like me either if I can’t get this right?? Can anyone help? Or maybe reassure me that I’m not broken?? Because right now I feel utterly shattered 🙁 🙁

  1. The best head I ever got was from a girl that said she watched a lot of gay blowjob porn. So, if you want tips on technique, I suggest that. You could also ask your bf to show you videos of how he likes it. However, I hesitate a little to suggest that as porn blowjobs are in many cases quite unrealistic.

    Your bf may have just have [death grip syndrome](,sexual%20intercourse%20with%20a%20partner.) If your bf jerks off a lot – and the watching porn during sex thing suggests to me that me might – then its possible he’s got it. If so, then finishing from oral sex will be very difficult.

  2. It’s not nice to get negative feedback on something you’re trying really hard. However, the way I interprete it, he sounds constructive. You’re not useless for not immediately getting the blowjob right. Also keep in mind that men are different and everyone has their preferences as to how it’s done.

    Try asking him for guidance if you have the feeling it’s not going well during the BJ, and stay positive. Letting him sleep with other women will only hurt you and strengthen your selfrevolt, so I wouldn’t advice this. Rather try to improve your own skills.

    If you need some tips, feel free to DM.

    Practice makes perfect!

  3. Just keep practicing with lots of communication, no one’s instantly a god at head, I pride myself on my head game now but I was straight trash at the start

  4. Maybe you’re not bad at giving blowjobs. Maybe he’s really bad at communicating with you.

  5. I see a few red flags. He was watching porn while you gave him a blow job. In other words he was distracted and couldn’t give you proper guidance. He decided to tear you down instead of building you up. You need a partner who help you to feel more secure. You your boyfriend isn’t that partner. My r/relationship_advice is to break up with him.

    My r/sex advice is that there are a lot of people who can’t give blow jobs for anatomical reasons. This may be because their mouth is too small to fit their partner’s penis. This may be because they have a gag reflex. They may have a beautiful smile with big front teeth. What these people can do is combine a blow job and a hand job. They can suck and lick on the head of their partner’s penis while they are giving their partner a hand job. If they’re really sloppy they can use spit as lube.

  6. Are you OK with the fact that he’s just using you as a masterbation device or…..?

  7. You agree with him watching porn during the BJ ? He is supposed to look at you… I can’t imagine watching another person getting fucked when my wife is pleasuring me. It’s disturbing.

    Act as you wish. But next time relax and ask him to guide you if needed.

  8. If you have a retainer thats like invisilign pop that sucker in and your teeth are suddenly not sharp. Its great

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