With my ex we had sex a couple of times a week. Now I’m in a monogamous relationship but sometimes go for weeks without sex, though we see each other. I thought the sex is good and received this feedback from my girlfriend as well. But we do not have sex very often. Is this normal? How often do couples have sex?

  1. It depends on both partner’s needs. There is no ‘norm’. If you’re unhappy with your sex life, have that conversation with your girlfriend.

  2. Anywhere from multiple times a day to once a year is normal. All depends on biological desires and needs.

    Definitely have a talk with your partner about your sexual needs/desires

  3. My partner and I def want more either once or twice a day or as many times as we want really

  4. It depends on you and your partner. If you’d like to have more then it’s definitely something you can both talk about. There is no right or wrong answer as long as both of your needs are met.

  5. If your needs aren’t being met,tell them.If it turns out your sex drives aren’t compatible just break up.simple

  6. I’ve always had lots of sex especially when I’m in a relationship. If we live together 1-3 times a day. If not, 4-12 times a week.

  7. (24F)

    Living together: AT LEAST once a day, preferable 2-3

    Living in the same city/not far apart: at least once 3-4 days a week

  8. For me my sex drive usually calls for at least once a day but I can also ease back and do it a couple times a week

  9. Once, twice a day. Basically, I can’t keep my hands off my partner.

    That wasn’t the case when I was partnered with people I didn’t like so much, so it’s a good litmus test for how much I really want to be in that relationship.

  10. We both were living together… its getting lesser from once or twice a week to once in 15 days and then its once in a month…

  11. I try to have sex 3 times a day.. I personally love sex.. and I usually choose a partner that enjoys it as well.

  12. It just depends on what works for the couple. Communication is key to find out if your sex drives are compatible or not.

    I’ve only lived with someone once, we had some issues so sex became nonexistent after a while. With people I’ve dated it’s been every time we saw each other which was 1-2 times a week.

  13. I don’t think there’s a normal. Personally frequency for me changes depending on my monthly cycle and mental health. Work and just generally how busy our schedules are is also a big factor. Some times it’s multiple times a day or week. Others it’s 1 time a week. When my mental health was bad we’d go a month or two without. Now it’s never more than 1 week.

  14. 30 years ago it was pretty much a 4-5 times a day thing. Now it is a once or twice a week thing. Sometimes we’ll get busy and tired and miss a week or two

  15. Married for 8 years here. Anywhere from once a week and or couple times a month. The way I see it, I’m getting laid at a healthy and better rate than many of my single friends. As well as higher quality as we know exactly eachothers preferences and turn ons. Sure, some couples have sex more often, but for us our amount works just fine.

  16. Just don’t let it get to the point where it becomes “oh let’s watch ozark instead because Jason Bateman is in it, if we have sex Jason Bateman won’t be in it”

  17. Lol. With my ex we never really planned it, it just always happened lol. We could just be sitting and talking and then next thing you know , boom! , sex. I’d say we had chemistry. There wasn’t really a time when we weren’t feeling in the mood. We always made ourself in the mood.

  18. My partner and I do it when we feel like it or in the mood it’s never planned some weeks it we will be 3-4 times others maybe 1-2 🤷‍♂️

  19. A good relationship doesn’t rely on sex as a pillar of stability. You can be in a relationship and not have sex at all. Or you can have sex 100 times a day. It’s about the connection between the two individuals. That being said… Once a month gang in a thirteen year relationship.

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