18, can’t get horny anymore. Need help

I’m 18 and i can’t get horny anymore. Need help

Ok, so for starters, i just mutually broke up with my girlfriend of 4 months because i’m moving to college. I’m heartbroken.

But when we first started dating it was great. She made me hornier than anyone had ever made me. I always wanted to have sex, but she wasn’t ever ready. But then suddenly up until about a week ago, when we started making out something didn’t feel right. And it probably has something to do with my anxiety that came back. And so i kept this quiet with her until i had a literal panic attack while we we’re making out. I told her after the fact, she was super supportive and my anxiety about it went away. But after the panic episode i couldn’t get horny, not for her, not for myself.

Dude and it sucks so bad because our last few days together, she wanted to try having sex but i just genuinely could not get horny. I could get sorta hard for maybe 10 seconds but that was it.

Now that i’m gone and we’re broken up, looking back i feel as if i’ve let her down, and i’ve let myself down. This is what i wanted for so long and it didn’t happen because for some reason i can’t get hard. I don’t know how long until i get horny again but it sucks to not be at all. Thanks for reading and the advice.

tl/dr: could get horny for my gf for a while, suddenly couldn’t, now i feel like shit.

1 comment
  1. Just try to chill, take a break from all of it for a while to let some of the emotions of all of this calm down a bit. You’re young, you’ve got plenty of time to get back on the horse.

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