I easily get upset or annoyed when people on social media or platforms trying to correct you on minor mistakes. Especially when they use a tone like “come on, you don’t even know about this?” “or “come on it is not xxx…” and they use the ellipsis at the end of the sentence to show how speechless they are. I mean, you could point out the mistake. Why adding those useless phrases or exclamations? To show you are superior and know more than others? Sometimes it is just an honest mistake, it is not like I don’t know these things. Having typo or word police around is such a pain. Overtime, I don’t even dare to speak up… Am I too sensitive? Do you have any suggestions to deal with situations like this?

  1. Over time*

    Lol, just messing with you.

    Everyone typos sometimes. I usually say something along the lines of, “I see you know what it says. Can you tell me what it means?” It’s a bit of a redirect and it usually works.

  2. lol just dont care about those people who wants to be with them when they have a stick up their ass anyway

  3. Buddy, it’s the internet. Don’t take it too seriously. If you’re getting worked up about someone correcting typos, take some time, step away from the computer, and do something else for a while.

  4. You’re being too sensitive. If you put stuff out on the internet it will be criticized. Deal with it.

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