I’d like to do some sort of trauma/zero-responder training so I can be in a better position to deal with an emergency situation should I be in one (e.g. severe wound/trauma). Got no background relevant to this so would be starting from nothing. Have done work-related first-aid courses but they’re always very simplistic and surface-level.

Has anyone done anything like it? What was your experience? Worth doing?

  1. I done first aid at work for a few years but they would send us off to a special course, it wasn’t exactly done in the office on site.

    It was good. They didn’t go massively indeph but it was really interesting to learn CPR (something everyone should learn!) and how to use a defibrillator properly.

    It was a real eye opener to how physically tough CPR can be. I always made a point of asking how to do CPR on children because I have kids, and even though it was unrelated to the job, they always demonstrated without any problems.

  2. Why? It’s all pretty basic shit that any reasonably intelligent person already knows.

    CPR is probably the only valuable thing and lets be honest, if you are in the position of needing to give CPR the person is fucked. Even after primitive training most people aren’t able to do effective CPR.

  3. Your local St Johns Ambulance should offer First Aid courses. Knowing how to do basic CPR and work a defib can be life saving. Same for deep wound care, burns and fractures. Go for it.

  4. The more people that know first aid the better IMO.

    I’ve been first aid trained (and renewed) for nearly 25 years now and have made use of those skills countless times both in work and out. Most of the time this has thankfully been very minor issues but there have been more times than I would like where I’ve been “first on the scene” to much more serious accidents.

    In addition before each of my children was born my wife and I attended infant first aid classes to help us deal with anything that came up with our babies. This training legitimately enabled me to save my son’s life when he went into respiratory arrest aged 3 weeks.

    So yeah I absolutely think they are worth doing and the more people that have these skills the better.

  5. A mate got his first aid at work certificate and displayed it in his wallet instead of a driving licence.

    Was a joke for our friendship group – I’m military and an ex-lifeguard so I know what I’m doing, and another guy is a _fireman_ who has genuinely done everything.

    First aid at work friend saved a guy having a stroke and another having a fit within a month of each other. Never been prouder of him.

  6. Yes, I have, and it was better than the ones I did through work. It was off Groupon I think.

  7. Volunteer at your local St John Ambulance centre.

    The training they give you can go to very advanced levels and you get to utilise your skills by manning first aid posts at local events.

    I volunteered with them for about 5 years and many people start off with very little experience in first aid. But I found myself in advanced training courses intended for physicians (albeit after a lot of training, and because of my day job specialism).

    Yes I fully recommend it. Thankfully I haven’t had to deal with anything too serious, but did get to go to a lot of events/concerts/competitions etc.

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