ive thought a lot about this saying for these past few months and i cant really understand it. lets say im an a hole to begin with but then i turn nice so that i could have better relationships with other people, wouldnt that be breaking the rule of be yourself? im confused on when i should be applying this rule of be yourself

  1. “Be yourself” means to do things for “you”, like learning a new skill, exercising, engaging in hobbies, reading psychoanalytical books, listen to thoughtful music and other fulfilling activities, and by so doing you become “yourself”, which is easy to be once you have broadened your experiences.

  2. Everyone’s real self is loving and happy. Being an asshole is an example of not being yourself

  3. Be yourself mean discover everything about you that makes you trigger all emotions. It helps when connecting with other people.

  4. For every phrase or saying about one thing there is another about the contrary. Think “early bird guts the worm” and “good things come to those who wait”.

    Be yourself will apply to some people sometimes as will most phrases of this nature. It’s kinda stupid when people say “be yourself actually doesn’t mean being yourself it means [their actual advice]”.

    Don’t be yourself if you don’t want to. Don’t follow fake smart “quippy” advice as hard rules. If you know you’re an asshole, stop being a fucking asshole so people hate you less, or don’t, don’t have to care what other people think if you don’t want to. But paradoxically not being yourself is still a conscious choice so that’s still being yourself.

    Most of the time being yourself comes with individuality and independence since the opposite is usually portrayed as blind conformity. And ironically by asking this question you’re displaying your current inability to be yourself.

  5. “be yourself” just means don’t be someone you don’t want to be. if you always put on an act around people (and its an act you don’t enjoy putting up) you’re not going to be happy.

  6. This advice was over used to the point that it started to sound cringed. But goddamn that’s a real piece of advice. As someone said in the comments. Do it all for urself, except when it comes to some sacrifices with people u love & who love u back (especially parents ~if ur in a good terms with em~)

  7. Is it abnormal for you to be nice to others? What would your normal self do in social situations?

  8. It just means don’t put so much pressure on yourself to impress people. You can be pleasant without compromising your values and boundaries. For most people, putting on a façade is counterproductive because their nerves get the best of them. The people they’re trying to impress can usually tell something is off.

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