What does it mean if a guy has no goals or ambitions.. or if he does he never has the energy to make it happen? Is he just…? Idk… Are there really people who have no will to make their dreams happen? Or just who do not have any dreams at all? He is a grown man.. sleeps alot… and just doesn’t push himself to evolve and try do new or risky things that could help him achieve his dreams…

  1. Means exactly what you said…he has no goals of ambitions. Reasoning can range from depression to laziness or just lack of encouragement from parents

  2. Many people are just happy with living their life day to day, enjoying it as it is.

    Not everyone is on board the constant self optimisation and hoarding more and more material values.

    People can be just…happy.

    If he does what needs to be done, takes good care of himself and feels well, I don’t see an issue.

  3. If you are full of ambition and energy why are you trying to figure out how to dull your shine to fit with this man? He sounds boring af and you’re not about that.

  4. >**Are there really people who have no will to make their dreams happen?**

    Requires said people to have dreams in the first place, and if they have dreams they have to be realistic, e.g. dreaming to be flying and having supernatural strength like Superman is obviously not possible.

    There’s a reason [existential nihilism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Existential_nihilism) is a thing.

  5. It means he is mediocre. Most people are average aka mediocre. If you’re ambitious and have goals you want to achieve, there will be some resentment as you will feel like he’s wasting his potential or that you’re taking on a burden he is unwilling to contribute to. Some people’s dream is to chill out on some beach all day for the rest of their life. Nothing wrong with that. But it doesn’t seem like your dream is to be with someone like that.

  6. If you can support yourself with roof over your head and eat decent foods and have normal life that all that matters.

    Ambition and goals change with age get old stability more important than moving up the food chain.

  7. Yes, there are people who live their whole lives like that. Living on benefits or off their parents, not making any effort to be better in any aspect, just living and breathing. But for most people it is just a phase in life.This guy you speak of, are you sure he’s not depressed? sounds like depression to me. But if that’s not the case, there could be other things going on. For example, my boyfriend. When we met he was 24, didn’t work. So of course I think it is just a moment in his life were he was unemployed and that’s it. But what actually happened (and I found out accidentally, eavesdropping), is that his mother told him every time he mentioned her some job offer, that he didn’t need to work. That this particular job he was telling her of was for fools or loosers. That if he needed money he just had to ask, or if he wanted to work it should be something else, more prestigious, and absolutely not serving or attending people because they didn’t do that. Talk about grandiose fantasies!!! Fortunately we put distance between her and us, he started working and slowly escalated to better and better jobs. His mother was totally sabotaging him because she didn’t want to loose her scapegoat.

  8. He could be depressed, especially if you say he sleeps a lot. Depression made me give up on my hopes and dreams (which I used to be extremely passionate about). It takes a long time to come back from that, if you ever do at all. Talk to him about it.

  9. The ultimate goal in life is surely to be happy? For some it’s a never ending struggle allways want to achieve the next thing as they think that will do it untill they get there and want more. For others living life daily is makes them happy they have achieved life’s goal.

    Me I’m a live daily kinda guy, I never wanted to go to university I never wanted a job that I couldn’t just forget about when I finished work for the day. I have a family they are my life they make me happy I provide and devote my life and time to them. When I finish work it’s me and my family time nothing else. I have achieved my goal in life of being happy now I can enjoy it 🙂

  10. As a man , a lot of men like that whatever comes to their lives they will take it and go along with it .

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