You hear a knock on the window and you go to see what the racket is. It’s your last ex girlfriend and 2 of her lady friends standing there naked with a bottle of tequila and says she will do anything to get you back. What do you do?

  1. “Oh… how about you guys come inside and drink some water. We’ll get you an Uber when you’ve sobered up a little.”

  2. Invite the friends in and tell the ex to kick rocks. If it’s an all or nothing deal, they can all take a hike.

  3. Get them inside, roll out the couch and make them drink some water and put robes on them. Leave a few pain killers for them in the morning.

  4. I have gators in my backyard area, so I just hang out and watch the show. I damn sure don’t go out there at night, so these three drunk naked women are in for a shock.

  5. Invite her inside and kindly explain that while we had a lot of good times together, it would be healthier for us both to move on and that because we both used to have a drinking problem that while I will not control her actions, it might be a good idea to ditch the liquor while processing heartbreak. I would tell her that she has worth as a person and does not need to try to bribe with her body and material things in order to be deserving of love. She is a beautiful person and things are never easy. It is so easy to fall into a self destructive cycle when you feel nothing matters especially when you can’t have the one thing you feel has any importance to you. But just as you can’t tell if the future will have any good in it at all, the opposite is also true. How do you know you will absolutely miserable? It’s easy to assume pessimistic possibilities when everything that has been happening has been negative, but the simple fact is that we won’t know until we get there, and the only thing we can do right now is steer and hope we steer in the right direction.

  6. I tell her that if she wants me back she has to give me the tequila.

    Then I lock the door and tell her if she wants me back that she needs to leave and go home

  7. Tell her and her friends to go home and wait for me to call her.

    I don’t call her.

    If she calls me then I told her that she didn’t follow the rules. I’ll give her the rules again.

  8. Roll over, kiss my GF and go back to sleep. Promise myself never to eat chili that late at night again, because obviously it gives me nightmares.

  9. Make a scene and embarrass her in front of the whole neighborhood.

    Bonus if the Ring camera records it. Lol

  10. Invite her in as a ploy to take away the tequila and tuck her to sleep on my couch to sleep it off

  11. why did she bring additional people?!

    why is she nude?

    log off porn hub before you fucking talk to us bro

  12. Let her in. But she wouldn’t have to go to those lengths. It was an amicable split. I do miss her though.

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