We’re both 19f. Both americans living in spain for university. She’s home for the summer and im still here.

We agreed to move in together for our sophomore year and we’re both supposed to be looking. She’s supposedly coming back the 28th of this month. So we agreed that i would look and she’d call and then i’d go visit. But everytime I send her a number to call she says she will but then doesn’t answer texts. She has to call because she’s a native spanish speaker and I can’t understand spanish over the phone. She told me she’s been in mexico with her family but that doesn’t mean she’s void of responsibility.

I wrote her a text Monday saying that i didn’t want to keep bothering her but that we need to find a place ASAP and i know she’s on vacation but maybe she could take 15 minutes in the mornings when she wakes up to call and then i’ll go. She didn’t answer for a week. So i wrote her again and asked if she was ok. Then she replied “hi yes i’m so sorry i know it seems like i’m making excuses but i’ve been so sick i’ll call tomorrow” and here we are two days later she still hasn’t called anyone and isn’t texting back and i’ve even triple texted her. She comes online but doesn’t answer. She’s a good friend really and has always not been good at replying but i/we could end up homeless if we don’t find a place so she should step up right?

Should I not move in with her and start looking for my own place?

tldr; how to handle a close friend who asked me to be a roommate but doesn’t help in the search

1 comment
  1. Don’t screw yourself over in order to appease her. Tell her you need to hear from her by tomorrow or you’ll have to start looking for apartments alone.

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