I‘m 20 years old rn and most of my friends often go to clubs or similar events. I just don‘t understand what people like about that, you can’t make a step without bumping into anyone, it smells, it‘s expensive, it takes years to get to the toilet, you can’t really talk to anyone because the music is so loud, it takes ages to get a drink, you can’t really do anything rather than dance, you have no control over music and so on. Really, what do people like about that? For me this is so boring and has literally only downsides compared to a houseparty with like 30-50 people.

  1. I can’t say I blame you. I never liked clubs myself for many of the reasons you mentioned. I didn’t even enjoy my senior prom all that much since they played the same kind of music so everyone acted like they were in a club. No, thanks.

    If you like night life but aren’t too keen on clubs, I highly recommend finding a country dance hall, even if you don’t like country. The vibe is much different and the people are more polite from my experience. Otherwise, you could look for a ballroom dancing venue if you would prefer something more formal. Ballroom is my personal favorite but it might be hard to find depending on where you are.

  2. People do it bc night clubs are IRL tinder.

    No one actually likes it

    We present our best selves visually

    We lie blatantly about whether we are single, employed, etc

    Everyone knows that everyone is there with the hope of getting laid

    Without booze it would be pathetic

  3. My step brother many years ago loved clubs. But he had those smouldering dark Italian looks that made women look across the room and say “I want that”

    Me, on the other hand, did not have those looks. But I could make a woman laugh with a story. Clubs are great places for people to meet other people where looks are sufficient. But if you want actually talk to them, they are too fucking loud.

    There is nothing wrong with not liking clubs. You do you. Be boldly proud of who you are.

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