What is your most frequently made mistake?

  1. I forget if I’ve told my friends or family a story that I find hilarious so I end up retelling it a bunch

    However apparently they’re so well received they ask me to retell it anyway since it’s relevant to the topic at hand

  2. Not reacting properly to women’s signals. Earlier tonight a total 7-8 came up to me and asked me to take her hicking. I’m a solid 4 on a good day.

    Problem is I can get in trouble at work. It has always been my cryptonite. My work comes first, but imma have to let loose a bit.

  3. Thinking people are interested me or otherwise overestimating my presence in their lives

  4. At work (bioengineering) I keep trying to skip ahead instead of following the correct method, which is slow and cumbersome.

    While we are theoretically ahead of schedule, I live in perpetual fear that society will collapse before our project is completed, let alone reaches fruitition.

  5. Probably staying up too late. Sometimes it’s me being stubborn or overconfident that I’ll be fine the next day, and more often I simply lose track of time and it’s suddenly 45 mins past bedtime and I haven’t brushed my teeth yet.

  6. lost 10g today cause my wayward elbow hit Sell.
    Second time this beyond rookie full metal retard mistake has happened.
    king of the world to schmuck in the gutter in less than 10 seconds. I am dissappoint.

  7. Posting on Reddit and expecting people to read what I mean and not what I say. By this I mean that I tend to write stuff as it makes sense in my head and then people on Reddit read it a different way than intended and then I get in a reddit fight that ultimately results in me trying to explain what I actually meant when I said something.

    In other words, I suck at writing on Reddit.

  8. Yelling ‘big tit big ass motherfuckers be motherfucking’ when there’s a line at the bank

  9. Accepting red flags and hoping that they won’t bother me if I ignore them. It greatly backfires and eats you alive in a relationship.

  10. I make a lot of noise when I get home from work (I get off at 7am)

    Been told to please stop, but I’m always afraid they might think is a burglar, so I let them know it is me, the husband

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