Pls tips pls

  1. I go whats over there and when she looks before she can turn around She naked on top of me. All the GFs hate that one trick.

  2. I poke her in the back with it in the morning when we’re still in bed to let her know I’m good to go. Normally works.

  3. Using the phrase “get her to have sex with you” probably sounds manipulative.

  4. I generally go for a kiss, then go from there, can tell pretty quick if its go time or no time.

    Or, hey, wanna have sex?

  5. Ask? Failing that, find out what puts her in the mood and do that. Also, sex doesn’t start in bed. You gotta make her horny. Work out what makes her horny and start there.

  6. The helicopter does it every time.

    But seriously it’s more like a maintenance thing you work on over time than a power move you pull to instantly make her dripping wet.

    Attending to her needs throughout the day and week means she will come to you when she’s ready.
    Also having compatible sex drives helps immensely.

  7. My wife and I are pretty direct, so we just ask.

    “Are we getting it on, tonight?” is the most common way we broach the subject, but sometimes I’ll make some silly euphemism instead. “Feel like trading some pain,” “wanna knock boots,” “if you play your cards right, you can get lucky in the next 10 minutes.”

  8. The question needs to be how do I get my girlfriend to want to have sex/be in a sexy mood.

    The truth is this isn’t always possible, and only your girlfriend can tell you what gets her motor going. It could be anything from wearing a shirt with the sleeves rolled up to watching porn with her.

  9. Call the guy she is sleeping with and ask what his advice would be for getting your girlfriend to sleep with you.

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