Bf and I have sex w a condom, he finishes. 20 min later we start to go again, without a condom (stupid I know). I realize abt a minute in that the precum could still have sperm in it, so we stop. Its been a few days and I’m feeling really anxious about it after thinking about it more. Help/advice??

  1. It could technically have some but statistically the chances are pretty low. Statistically speaking, you’re most likely worrying yourself over nothing happening. That being said, while it’s highly unrecommended (especially in your situation), research emergency contraceptives. If anything, they may give you peace of mind along with the wicked pain/discomfort I’ve heard they can cause.

  2. You will have to wait atleast a week after your period days (30 days from last period) to confirm that. There are pills which works upto 72 after sex to prevent pregnancy.

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