I’m 31 with a unusually high sex drive so I’m told. I think about sex constantly but it doesn’t stop me from my daily task. No matter how much I masturbate I’m just never fully satisfied and it fell like I’m putting a strain on my marriage by asking my spouse to much. I’m not sure if this is sex addiction or what. Does anybody have any advice for me?

  1. Only a trained professional can give you a formal diagnosis and only a trained professional can help you learn the skills you need to recover, but if it’s gotten bad enough that it’s causing you distress and affecting your relationship then yes I would say you possibly qualify.

  2. You’re in your prime. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    I say, as long as it’s not affecting your marriage/work life negatively, which it doesn’t seem to be, you’re good. Some people just have higher sex drives than others.

    Has your spouse mentioned something along the lines of you having an addiction?

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