I’m in a relationship with a very good looking man that I’m very attracted to.

We’ve broken up in the past and decided to give things another try. Everything has been going GREAT between us this time around, except my sex drive has drastically decreased recently.

When we first started things again there was so much sexual tension/build up and we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. Its been about 3-4 months since then and I just haven’t been feeling horny lately.

My boyfriend is not doing anything wrong and is very giving in bed, but even my orgasms are less intense/pleasurable than usual. I know it’s nothing that he’s doing but something is going on with me.

I’ve had some digestive/bloating issues lately which doesn’t make me feel the most sexy, but aside from that I just don’t feel like I want sex at all.

Have any women gone through something similar? Is this just a phase? Would love your insights 🙏

Edit: not on birth control. Took a low dose of anti depressants for a few months but didn’t notice a libido change. Been off of them for about 2 months now and now experiencing the decreased libido.

  1. There are a lot of things that can contribute to this.

    1. Stress – is there something on your mind that you have been stressing about/over analyzing? It may be something subconscious even.

    2. Hormones – you may need to have your hormon tested if it doesn’t seem to be something emotional/environmental driven.

    3. Depression/More Stagnant than normal – for me, if I get caught up in life and end up not exercising in awhile, my sex drive goes down. It makes me feel worn out, exhausted, and just generally not sexy. The minute I start working out again and or being more physically active, my sex drive instantly goes up.

    4. No idea why you broke up but maybe there are still some unresolved issues that you aren’t necessarily aware of but are hanging out in your brain.

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