I hate that.

  1. Because telling people directly hurts their feelings. It can also lead to arguments.

  2. Because it may not be about you. It’s not they want you out, but that they want to self isolate.

  3. When I do it it’s because I’ve tried to politely end things but they argue. People get confrontational when they’re facing rejection. I don’t have the energy to fight with someone I’ve decided I don’t need in my life.

  4. One reason is also that people are selfish at times. Its their ego; they feel that they can get better so they dont consider you worthy and just dump you. so sad.

  5. From my personal experience? When you are direct with your wishes & the aforementioned party ignores your boundaries or requests. Or, worse still, said parties dismiss your concerns as non-issues, or trample on your desires: “I heard what you said about not being available or not wanting to come around for dinner, but you’re still coming. I’ll see you then!”

    Anything other than door-slamming at this point is overkill. They ignored your boundaries and took you for granted.

    So there’s the adequate response. Bye bye. If they didn’t comprehend the direct response, then they can ponder absence.

  6. I was ghosted by this one girl. She wasn’t someone I was very interested in, but it was lockdown and I was desperate. I was trying to arrange a time to hangout with them, despite them being terrible with their texting. And they interpreted that as pushy, and blocked me. She later told me that she had severe social anxiety and couldn’t do any form of confrontation whatsoever. So the convenient option was to block me. Doesn’t have anything against me personally, but she didn’t have the social skills to set boundaries with someone. She now doesn’t have friends lol.

    Whenever you feel bad about being rejected just think about the person rejecting you. Are they cool? Or are they socially anxious people teeming with red flags?

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