Just a rant. My husband (36m) is literally incapable of having fun, celebrating etc. it is SO infuriating to be having a good time, and to have to leave because he is just miserable. Example, tonight is my nieces wedding, we are home, 2 hours early, because he just cannot have fun, he sits there clearly miserable not having a good time to everyone. This happens any and everywhere we go, anything we do that isn’t his idea, and I AM SO OVER IT.

  1. I lived like this for 10 yrs – it was horrible. Then one day, I was done. I told him I wanted a divorce and moved out a few weeks later. My husband snapped out of it and got counseling, and transformed into a truly happy person. It’s remarkable. But it took him nearly losing me. He is lucky I had one fuck left to give.

    I am sorry you are going through this, it sucks. Its so lonely

  2. The man I used to be married to was the most miserable sob you could possibly imagine. I was so devastated that no matter how hard I tried to put love and joy into his life it would be met with a sulky, petulant attitude. I realized it was his way of controlling me and manipulating me. He is a covert narcissist. If you aren’t aware of that sub type-google it and pray your not involved with one of those bc you will realize in short order how much it’s all a sick game and their emotional state is a weapon to get you to do what they want. Good luck but regardless, your feelings matter too! If you always get misery, Don’t try to fix it, and walk away. Don’t be surprised if he double down on his misery and then you’ll have your answer about what you’re dealing with which is a person who only cares about himself and nothing you ever do will make it better.

  3. Just curious, do you drink? Does he? Do you want to party and he doesn’t? Is” having fun”, code for going out and drinking with your friends?

  4. Then why do you take him? He can silk at home. You could have enjoyed the wedding and stayed and had fun. Leave him at home if he can’t behave in a decent manner.

  5. Their is nothing wrong with not wanting to celebrate something and nobody should be forced to fake being happy. Op your husband might be an introvert he might not enough these events like you do.It’s better to not smile than faking a smile

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