So I(f) recently slept with a coworker whom I have a crush with, before that we use to flirt a little bit but nothing more since she has a girlfriend.

About a month ago we were at a party, we both got really drunk and ended up sleeping together. I tried to talk to her about it a few days later coz I didn’t wanted things to get wierd at work and just to see how she was feeling after that nigh, but she said that for “now” would preferred not no talk about it, and that we should pretend nothing happened.

I tried to respected her decision and my plan was to get away from her a little bit, or at least set some boundaries during our interactions.

The thing is that every time we are hanging out with our friends (from work), she acts really wierd, like she tries to have my attention, flirting a lot, making indirect comments about what happened between us, even making small “jealous” scenes towards me.
She does the same while texting.

At the same time she sometimes brings up the name of her girlfriend or mentions her relationship during our conversations. I feel like she clearly has no intentions of breaking up with her girlfriend, but likes to keep me on the hook, just flirting and having my attention.

I had just decided to stay away for good, avoid most of our interactions, when yesterday I found out that we are gonna work in a project together, just the two of us, and obviously we have to get along and have good communication.

I feel so bad coz I already understood she is not interested in me, that she is using me for attention or validation, and I that I should avoid stepping into her dynamic, but is really hard since I DO actually like her a lot.

I don’t know what to do right now, I just want to get over her and be able to work side to side without any effect on my emotions. What should I do, any suggestions?

  1. Don’t shit where you eat but too late for that.

    You’re headed towards a potential workplace HR issue so just stop while you’re ahead. Pretend to not care. Move on. Find someone else outside of work to put your feelings towards. This person is bad news. Not only is she a cheater but she also wants you to be into her when she’s made it clear she doesn’t want anything from you anymore.

  2. Suggest not shitting where you eat, next time. Don’t give someone attention if you don’t want them to have it. That’s fucking weird.

  3. So you’re the other person in a cheating relationship. Is this who you want to be? The one she throws crumbs at just to keep you panting after her like a little puppy dog? Begging her for attention?

    Or do you want to be the bigger person that walks away from her cheating and finds someone who can be your actual partner, not a part time fuck?

  4. Focus on work and avoid discussing outside of work issues and go home.

    Next time distance yourself from work romantical affairs.

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