When it comes to dating, I would say I’m a pretty looks oriented person. It’s very easy for me to ignore red flags just because a potential partner looks really cute, and I’ve backed out of relationships before where we were super compatible in terms of personality, but maybe there was one or two minor things that really bothered me like a very pointy chin or freckles. (I really only care about the face) Now I’m a pretty average looking guy with nothing to boast about too much, and I know that I should lower my standards, but it’s really difficult and I’ve been battling with it for so long. For some reason I instantly lose interest in people when I look at them and they don’t meet my unfairly high expectations. How can I overcome this and focus more on what’s inside?

  1. You need to learn to accept that men are visual dude. I would recommend diving into some different studies on male and female attraction. Life is not fair, unfortunately. My only advice is while looking, be respectful of your time as well as the woman and communicate interest or lack thereof from the start. Be patient, the right one will come along.

  2. Date a few extremely attractive women and you will be put off of them forever lol. I’ve never met an extremely attractive woman who was also a complete person. Now I’m at the point where being hot is only a a very small selling point.

  3. Sounds like a fear of commitment/getting serious. Almost as though you are looking for things to put you off, by the examples you gave. Freckles and pointy chins are considered attractive by many people.

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