Losing Erection?

The past 3 times I have had sex I have noticed I am struggling to penetrate girls because my dick doesnt stay hard, Can this be because of the condom? I noticed it only starts to go soft once or shortly after the condom is on. (Just for clarity i have no issues against condoms and want to use them) I do have a larger than average dick and was wondering is it potentially that I am using too small condoms and should get the larger ones? Hoping it is just that and not something more serious

  1. Measure the sice of your dick, go to a shop, read the back of the condoms and look if it’s your size.

  2. No you just need to get used to it. It’s a new and distracting sensation for your penis in a moment of pressure. highly unlikely a size issue.

  3. In all liklihood it is – I had this issue and found skyn L to be far better than any kind of durex

  4. This is a problem I had, I started ordering custom size condoms from MyOne and it helps so much.

  5. I didn’t know why I had trouble with condoms until I got a flexible tape measure and measured my girth. If you have a thick one condoms will squeeze the life out of you. I bought some magnums and they were a lot longer (which i didn’t need tbh. somehow I got top 1% girth but its only a smidge longer than normal) but if they were wider it was an insignificant amount. They still sucked.

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