Did I find a unicorn? It’s so flattering- in all of my experiences I’ve never had a man even have such a short refractory period nonetheless be able to finish that many times in such a short period. This is unusual even for us, usually he’ll finish 2 or 3 times but I’m impressed he’s able to get hard and go again time of after time. How common is this?

  1. It’s really uncommon. I can be a little like that if things are right, but as a rule I need 3.5 hours just to go again.

  2. Ikr? Last time I was with the guy I been talking to, he started getting hard again before it even went down fully and he said that never happens ,he said he usually loses interest right after finishing. I was Soo flattered lol

  3. I’d say that’s pretty unusual. I could probably go twice back to back but if I went for a third there’d just be nothing and I’d have to wait a few hours.

  4. Unusual but, in my book, a very nice suprise. Knew one guy like that and enjoyed it a lot.

  5. As a mid-50’s guy, I don’t find it that surprising. I easily would have been able to do that in my 20’s. I probably could do it now if a lot of oral was involved. Never really had a woman who was interested in that long of a session though.

  6. I agree with the other redditor that said the same thing, I don’t find it particularly surprising.

    Have had many different men that needed no refractory period at all, they came and it never went soft, it was just as hard as before and they kept going (no, no chemicals involved, just young and healthy).

    But yea congrats lol keep him.

  7. I’m good every 20 minutes or so, as long there is no chafing. Sometimes I can get 2-3 out of one session but it’s rare these days. I think most guys can recycle in 20-30 minutes.

  8. Not sure how common in general, depends on age as well but I’m like that too, my refractory period is pretty short, but by the time I’m up to round 3-4 generally it starts taking longer for me to cum than I have physical stamina as I’m very out of shape since covid lockdowns, the penis is willing, the rest of my body is not. Though I don’t believe I’ve spaced it out over 3.5hrs before.

  9. My husband can cum three times. By that time I’ve came seven to eight times easily.

  10. I can finish 3 times in 3 hours or so. After that I can go again but I’m not gonna finish, and my member starts to ache around 3.5-4 hours. Not really a common thing though, rare to have session that long.

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