do you think men are more lonelier in this generation as compared to previous ones if yes then what’s the root cause.

  1. Probably not anymore lonelier, but compared to previous generations, definitely have more opportunities to speak out and find others who are lonely.

  2. I think men on the whole are far less lonely and certain men who refuse to adapt to changing culture are far more lonely.

  3. Yes, could expand it to women too, the decline of third spaces, see Bowling Alone, we can probably blame some unregulated capitalism and rise of the internet

  4. Not necessarily. It’s just more visible.
    People who were or felt lonely in previous generations spent more time drinking then complaining on the internet.

  5. Yes. I blame policing and the adult industry. Totally fine for women to be whores but brush an elbow and now you’re in county.

  6. There’s still a 50/50 split of the sexes, and while there’s more *visibility” for gays & lesbians it’s not like LGBT folks never existed in the past…. so if anything, more acceptance for queers has reduced loneliness. I mean, birth rates are stable, so I imagine we’re not going backwards

  7. Yes because women now don’t have to have anything to offer except a hole it could be the ugliest girl in the world 1 guy would sleep with her and give her attention but a guy even if he’s good looking and has a lot to offer he still won’t get attention from any girls

  8. All I know is I feel very lonely. Even married with a kid I have no friends and nobody to relate too. Online I joke and be myself more, but the people on the other end might as well just be an AI with no human interactions.

  9. Yes.

    Social media/dating apps that have distorted womens’ self-value, resulting in them ignoring men in their range. That comprises 80% of men.

  10. Yup, my last comment about this was “deleted by Reddit”.

    I said that i am an old guy who works with young guys. The men I work with are smarter, funnier, and better looking than I was at their age.

    The few of them that have partners are with women who care very little about their appearance, are unpleasant as company, and are very entitled.

    When I was young all I needed was abs and a few jokes to get attractive, interesting women.

    The market is very much in favor of girls these days.

  11. Social media has locked all of us (both men and women) inside our homes.

    It offers the illusion of social interaction, but no substance.

  12. I think that we spent more time in isolation in previous generations, finding ways to entertain ourselves through our own means rather than relying on others. The internet has allowed us to communicate to anyone, anytime, all of the time, and in my opinion has desensitized us to the art of “doing nothing” where now silence creates an artificial loneliness that used to not be so prevalent. We likely used to be more lonely, but didn’t feel as lonely as we do now, because we’re exposed to the stimulation so frequently throughout the day.

    Besides within the home, we also were more community driven as a society in generations past. Neighbors used to know one-another and talk. People would get together for community events and gatherings. That was how we socialized and made friends.

    As well, seeing people constantly posting pictures of doing things with other people isn’t good for the mental health of those that don’t have that kind of in-person social network.

  13. I think some men are. But overall, no I don’t think men are lonelier compared to previous generations.

    I think women have become more independent and picky but many still want partners or companionship. So for those ones they are going to find someone to scratch that itch.

    This is coming from someone who dated before and after social media and the online apps.

  14. Being old, I really believe that younger men today are much lonelier than my generation. In my generation we didn’t have the internet. You had to physically meet people. You joined social groups to meet new friends. You would go to “old timers bars” to learn how to do/fix something by asking the old guys there. If you still had issues, you gave away free beer and they helped you. Most women were outgoing. You could talk to them without being accused of something stupid.
    Sometimes I feel sorry for the younger generation because of the internet. You guys are really losing out on the pleasure of meeting new friends you can talk to face to face.

  15. you can blame your helicopter parents constantly hovering over you.

    and mollycoddled kids become scared adults. thats why so many people are posting how i make friends/get a GF?

  16. Men aren’t being taught to be the type of men women are attracted to and many women have over inflated expectations

  17. We can bitch anonymously online now, making it seem like more of us are lonely. Without being able to do that I wouldn’t bitch about being lonely to anybody at all, so there’d seemingly be one less lonely guy than there actually is. Just how I think it is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  18. Absolutely!

    The main cause is social media and inflated standards that only increase. The entitlement I see from 49ers did NOT exist in the 90s.

    Modern society has a huge problem with entitlement, especially with many women.

  19. Nope. Most men in the western world are doing great.

    Life has never been easier for men as it is for those who were born in the 2000’s. Military service is no longer mandatory, no one expects men to act like men(most young dudes don’t know how to change a tire/oil/fix a fence etc) and there’s so much entertainment that the only people who feel lonely,are the dumbasses who want to feel lonely.

  20. Social media and this belief that everything is doom and gloom and no0ting is possible unless you have a silver spoon .. i honestly believe it is destroying perfectly good young people who actually have far more potential than they could ever fathom

  21. I’m old so, I’ve gotten to watch several generations. Yes, men are definitely more isolated now. Social media/internet, work from home and dating apps seem to be the cause.

    Dating moving to being app driven seems to have excluded 50% of men from the market. Women on Tinder rate 80% of men as “below average” and only 5% of likes go to the bottom 50% of men. Women, it seems, all want to date the same small percentage of men and dating apps give women easy access to this small group of men. Those men have harems and that leaves a big group of men with no dating options. Monogamy is a sort of socialism for relationships. We’re now in a free market and that comes with all the standard inequality that free markets bring. ,

  22. Yes – old social norms like “must provide stability for family“ aren’t attainable anymore at a reasonable age with the current salaries vs housing costs for the majority of people

  23. Social media isn’t the cause, there isn’t one route cause. It’s a combination of an inability to find meaning in life, large parts of the economy actually offering you bullshit demeaning roles and a lack of actual representation in positions of power. Yes men are in power but the men whose fingers are on the social and political red buttons, so to speak, are definitely not representative of anyone but rich people.
    I actually found my way out of depression as an atheist through a very religious avenue. Serving others by choice, those who need it more than I and those who can’t help themselves. It showed me that self worth isn’t built, it’s intrinsic to social interactions and when I noticed that these PEOPLE are as human as I am even though I had depression I began to see my own humanity and self worth again.

  24. Social media is definitely a big factor I think… strong connections out in favor for surface-level ones.

  25. Feminism is killing the embodiment of a man. Those days, were men will fight to death, work 80 hrs a week, be a tradesman, being masculine in general is getting outdated. Example: nobody understood how I was able to move to a different country, with no help and no money and still make it alone, by myself, with all those books of incredible men that lived on our past. We need to embrace masculinity again, in a healthy way. Fuck you Andrew Tate!

  26. Maybe I don’t know enough about generations past. Women don’t want or need men anymore so why bother?

  27. There are studies to back this up.

    20 years ago, a man is bored, he goes out with his friends.

    Now, a man is bored, he goes on social media

  28. Millennials and Zoomers are chronically online. They don’t know how to function in real life, around real people and make real friendships.

    I’ve noticed in this thread a lot of whining about ‘women have done X’. Since when did men need women not to feel lonely? This just means you’re doing both friendship and romance incorrectly in two major ways:

    1. , you should have at least one good group of friends outside of any romantic relationships.

    2. romantic relationships happen when you fall in love with a person, not because you desperately flail around until you find somebody who isn’t awful in the hopes they’ll stop you being lonely.

    I don’t know if it’s an American thing or generational, but the main reason many young men are lonely is because they suck at being men and prefer to stay being scared little boys.

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