My gf likes to give me hard blowjob, with pushing her head down, make her gag. I like it also, however I always feel bad for it and ashamed like it is too violent. And I can not do anything with this thoughts, any advices on how to deal with this feeling? When you both get pleasure from this type of sex, but you just feel bad for you actions, even when your partner wants it



My sense of being guilty: even came to the point that I can basically re-ask her a couple of times after each time, if she is fine with it (even though she always told that she loves it), but I guess I just want to hear every time confirmation or something from there, to not being hitted with guilt ;(

  1. Alternate between ordinary blowjobs. I don’t mind being “mouth fucked” but not every time.

  2. What do you say to eachother afterwards? I’d suggest you praise her, tell her she’s awesome and how much you love it. Encourage her to remind you how much she loved it too. Give her a big hug and kiss. Just make it all as positive as you can afterwards and talk about how good it felt and how lucky you are. Remind yourself it’s something you both enjoy and there is no reason to be ashamed for both wanting something that feels so good.

  3. Understand that your Gf loves it that way and that it gets Her off too.
    My wife loves it when I am standing grabbing her head and she is on her knees to blow me pretty hard.
    She loves me being in control and “taking my pleasure, using her”
    First I thought like you.
    But once I understood that she loves it; don’t be ashamed.
    As long as this is consensual it’s all good

  4. If she doesn’t like it, she wouldn’t let you do it. Take comfort in the fact, if she has done it more than once, she wants it like that

  5. Like your gf, I really love being “used” like this by my husband.

    For me, as messed up as it may seem, I take enormous pleasure in being able to take a face fucking, but also feel super loved at the same time. Kind of like….I love being used like a whore, so my husband using me in that way, to please
    *me*….is a wild turn on and makes me feel super safe and loved. If I hadn’t initiated this sort of fucking, there’s no way he would have.

    It’s kinda like another user said. It’s an illusion that you’re in control. Realistically your gf could stop at anytime. If she really felt threatened or unhappy, she’s got plenty of ways to make you stop. Ultimately she is in control and is “letting” you do this to her. And it’s driving her wild and making her so happy each time you do. I’d recommend a caring, soft caress of her face or ass now and again combined with a “good girl” or something similar.

  6. Do you do some sort of aftercare afterwards? Cause that might help.

    For me, I really enjoy after sex to cuddle and just chill and talk about random stuff. It’s good to have more normal interaction. Have interactions that make me know that the other person is caring and don’t just use me for sex. That the interaction was mutual. And that we both enjoyed it.

  7. She loves the feeling of “surrendering” her control to you it Turning her on. In some respects it a little D/s so it might help with lots of aftercare and a safe word just in case she can stop 🛑 it anytime. Sometimes it makes you feel more ok with the experience too. And give her all the “good girl “ feels after. It took 15 years to get over my indoctrination of catholic guilt (and I don’t even believe) so just know you both like it and all will be fine.

  8. ‘Wow, that was amazing. Honestly though you don’t have to go so hard if it’s uncomfortable or sore or anything, unless you like it like that too.’

    Just say something like that and go from there.

  9. Mine is the same way. But I don’t feel guilty. When a woman really likes a guy, she will give great head. Stop talking about it to her. Deep down, there is a part of her that likes it.

  10. I wish my girl loved being gagged like that. That shit turns me on. I wouldn’t feel bad at all if she likes it and wants it.

  11. >but I guess I just want to hear every time confirmation or something from there, to not being hitted with guilt

    You absolutely can get that if you want to, it’s called “aftercare”. Which is something that you should look into, if you are both into kinky/rough sex.

  12. i mean, if you feel bad about doing it, you don’t have to do it. full stop. there’s a lot of advice in this sub about aftercare and why your gf likes rough bjs etc and i hope that’s helpful to you but at the end of the day if it still makes you feel bad you just don’t have to do it. it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.

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