How hard (or easy) is your life? Do you think other envy your life? Pity you?

  1. Ive got no social life no future no girlfriends no friends or exes. And I’m barely able to survive. I think it could be worse

  2. I have never wanted for anything. My life has just come easy to me. Other people might find my life difficult, i just have to paint the perfect picture in the perfect frame. Don’t colour outside the lines. Other people might find it easy, no opportunity to mess up or make mistakes, life in a cookie cutter design.

  3. I worked my ass off all of my 20’s and much of my 30’s. The kids are older now too. I would say life right now is as easier now than it has ever been. I’ve got a good career I worked hard to get where I am. And an amazing woman that keeps my stomach full and my balls empty. So… is good.

  4. Pretty easy. I make good money and never had kids, so finances are never an issue. I spent my entire twenties studying philosophy and meditation, so mentally I’m at peace. Im heavily introverted, so I don’t have many friends or anything, hence not much in regards to social drama and what not

  5. I have it pretty easy for right now if I’m being honest.

    I don’t have to work, I go to school full time and get money from my military service and VA disability. I live with my girlfriend and she’s extremely easy to live with. She’s my best friend, we never fight, she cooks me a nice dinner most nights, we have good sex at least 3 or 4 times a week, we love watching shows together in the evenings and hanging out on her days off. My parents live 3 minutes away an I get to go hang out with them whenever I want. My life is super easy.

  6. Incredibly easy. I feel privileged as hell and never get depressed.

    I live a stress free life and am confused why everyone else has such a problem.

  7. I’m 52 , I bust my ass for at least 40 hours a week in retail. Sure there’s things that I want, but I’ve got everything I need, a roof over my head and I’m not going hungry. I think my life is pretty good.

  8. Career, wife, kids, house renovations, and adding a mother in law suite for my mother. What do you guys think?

  9. Other people for sure envy my life:

    – 46 yrs old, but take care of myself and look mid-30’s (6’2″, full head of hair, in shape, light eyes, straight white teeth, good fashion sense)

    – Make 6 figures (and really only work about 4 hrs per day)

    – Work from home full time and can travel or live wherever I want (going to be moving to Austin, TX in October just because want something new)

    – No Kids

    – Single and dating 20 and 30 yr old beautiful women

    – Have a vasectomy, so no worries of an oops moment

    – Have the best and cutest dog who is also semi Tik-Tok famous that I make fun money off of

    – No debt, no mortgage, paid off car, 832 credit rating and money in investments and savings

  10. I’ve got my struggles, just like everyone else. Hard to say who has it worse unless the other person has a lot on their plate that you know about.

  11. My life has only been as hard as I’ve made it out to be. So currently, my life is pretty easy. I work to live. Not live to work. Once I’m off the clock I enjoy all the things I wanna do. See the people I wanna see. My life is way easier than it was in my 20’s. I still wouldn’t trade the struggle for anything though. It keeps me humble. I know I can end up right back where I was and I make the decisions not to go back.

  12. Life is super easy now. But it is only easy because of a lot of years where it required vast amounts of discipline.

    50’s and could retire today if I wanted, but I onkly work about 15 hours a week and get paid really well. Wife is way hotter than me and despite that actually likes me. My kids are adults and building successful lives.

    I have zero to complain about. Now my goals is to simply not screw it up

  13. I’m 38, I’ve got a big house, decent job, decent money, good credit rating, a wife, no kids.

    Started out late I reckon, but life is good, good enough for me to not have to worry about fuel costs and rising gas/electric bills etc.

  14. It is quite easy. I was quite lucky in the genetic lottery, so I never really had to work very hard for anything. I now have a job that I really love, with great colleagues, good pay and a lot of flexibility. I also work less than most people probably do. I have nobody to answer to in regards to my free time, and spend most of my time with either my daughter or my several awesome close friends. So yeah, pretty easy.

  15. I can’t say that I’ve ever spent much time thinking about it to be honest… it is just my life. Generally if I’m discontent with the way things are I figure out what to do to change it so I guess…relatively easy?

    I can pay my bills, I’ve got a good wife, solid group of friend, generally good health. Though life it wasn’t always this way, but right now is pretty good.

    During tougher times though I didn’t really think of life as hard, it just was life and you do what you have to do to progress to the next stage. Though in the last few months I’ve been poking around reddit I’m learning that this is not a normal view so what do I know? 🙂

  16. Life is great as looking forward to blowing my brains out to be free from this cluster fuk perverted dysfunctional dystopian delusional capitalist monopolistic Disneyland sh.. show

  17. We had a hard few years 2009-2015 not recession. But now having sold a huge house build, exited a business and people want to know what our next step is.

    We have several people envy our lifestyle, as we work 3 hours per day both in early 50s with investments and property all over the world.

    We worked hard 12-16 hours per day, 7 days a week from 2009 to 2015 and now reaping the rewards.

  18. It’s easy.

    There would be people in both camps. Some would see it as crushingly boring, others would envy the ease or the family, different strokes and all that.

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