How would you handle an insecurity as to whether your partner has had bigger or better in the past?

  1. She’s with me now and that’s her choice. I can’t dwell on her past experiences.

  2. I am always in the mind set of “i am the best you ever had.” Point is she’s still sleeping with me. If i’m good enough for her to keep coming back for more i’m better than the guys she’s no longer sleeping with.

  3. They are with you now? If everyone focused on their past no one would get anywhere in life

  4. Life is too short. If we worry about these stuff, we will become a sad and miserable person.
    Just live this moment with Full of love by enjoy being with partner next me .

  5. Assume they have had bigger and there’s nothing you can do to control it. Don’t ask her, don’t put her in a position where she’ll have to lie or tell you a truth you don’t want to hear. She probably isn’t as fixated on her past as you are, and would probably be more keen to have great sexual experiences with you. I’m fairly sure my 36 year old partner has had bigger (I’m average sorry for tmi) and I’m not stupid enough to think she’s probably had a few occasions that were memorable due to location/technique/connection etc etc, but she also does enough to let me know she enjoys our times, initiates, and is very expressive about our sex life. Consequently, I’m not the slightest bit bothered about what happened before me

  6. Don’t think about it Morty… Sometimes the key you happiness is to not think about it, cause if it mattered she would still be there.

  7. Do YOU constantly compare the person you’re with now to past partners? I know I don’t so it’s easy to at least pretend she doesn’t.

  8. Git gud.

    If the sex isn’t good enough, then either fix the problem or break up if it can’t be fixed. Also, endeavour to find out if you’re sexually compatible sooner rather than later.

    The last thing you want is a woman who pines for an abusive ex because the emotional abuse and desperation made the sex more intense.

    Most problems with the quality of sex being lacking that are irreconciliable are pretty bad for a relationship and should be deal breakers. And if they can be fixed but the other person is unwilling to even try, that’s pretty damning, too.

    No idea for dick size, though, sorry.

  9. Bigger doesn’t always mean better. Maybe you’re her Goldilocks dick.

    As for better, ask her to tell you *exactly* what she likes (remove the embarrassment for her by telling her exactly what you like), and FUCKING DO IT. Keep practising till you’re perfect.

    If he had a big dick, he probably thought big dick = good fuck, so didn’t make as much of an effort to actually be a good fuck.

  10. As a sexual partner she shouldn’t be giving you cause for insecurity. But If you’re so worried about it. Go wild and make her tell you you’re the best using whatever tactics you can find.

  11. Bigger is not worth considering on its own.
    I mean do you give much of à fuck about titties ? Or the feeling of her pussy ? Theres need to be a very big différence to matter on its own.

    Better.. man talk to her, communicate about sex do what she likes, work out a bit, you’ll be the best in no time. Thats the only question worth asking yourself. And thats not about you thats about her, she deserves happiness, part of it is great sex so you should work to give it to her.

  12. I married someone who was also a virgin so there was no comparison for either of us to refer back to.

  13. By not feeling that insecurity.

    Talk to your partner, find out what they like, then do that to them.

  14. I’m not insecure at all. My size is 3 standard deviations above the norm and every woman I’ve been with have said I’m the best they’ve had.

  15. Dead serious.

    Most men on the planet can only ever be second best.

    Men with a bigger penis, can literally reach a spot that we can’t. That spot feels better than the one we can reach, and the orgasms are more intense.

    At this point I could say it’s fact, but it also depends on how the woman is built.

  16. They are with you, not them. So even if you have the smaller one you still the better one by the fact that you with them. *PS unless they are a miserable person that the EX was escaping from. Then you have bigger problems.

  17. Don’t care, you should always assume that you’ll never be the biggest or best she’s ever had.

  18. Is she with you now? Yes right. So look at it this way. If there were people bigger or better then they clearly lacked something you bring to the table they didn’t. I told my girlfriend this. ” I may not be the biggest or best you’ve ever had. I just want to be the only one you want now. So if there is something you like I don’t do tell me. It’s only going to get better if we communicate”. And let me tell you it’s rather fantastic in my opinion.
    I’m sure your “spank bank” isn’t full of just her so you can’t expect hers to be of just you.

  19. I assume both but i csnt change it. Clearly im doing something right if shes with me now tho

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