I need some advice from the internet because I don’t know who or how to ask people for this kind of information in real life. Anyways, I want to try to talk to new people and get around to hanging out outside of school and work and stuff. But I don’t have any idea where to start. I have decent conversational skills, so talking to people isn’t very hard. However, I’m not the kind of person who usually gets invited to alot of social gatherings or anything like that. So, I haven’t been to alot of places or done a whole lot in general. I spend most of my time inside doing hobbies away from other people, so I don’t really know where I can go to hang out or invite people to. The only thing I can really think of is going out and getting food or something. How do I start branching out and inviting people to do stuff? And where do I go?


Thanks for any replies in advance.

1 comment
  1. Im gonna wait here for answer, i thought a job would help get me socialising but 3 months in, im still an acquaintance

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