I really enjoy hanging out with my best friend when we have a reciprocal conversation going or were talking about problems we are going through or just talking what we are doing.

But I really hate it when he talks at me about his nerdy interests. He doesn’t try to make it interesting to me. He talks really fast because he’s excited. I’m glad that there are things that make him excited and I never shut him down but it’s hard to get myself to care. I eventually just clam up and start giving one word responses but he keeps talking at me. He doesn’t even care about how I respond. He talks so fast that I can barely intervene. I’m typing this while he talks at me. I’ve tried telling him I don’t care and he keeps talking. It’s been 2 hours. Please help. People say being a good listener is important but I’m tired of listening.

  1. I think I do that to one of my friends and she just stops me cold lol. She totally redirects me, and I just take the hint she’s not comfortable/ not interested. Have you tried validating their interests and then try to kindly tell them you’d like to talk about something else?

  2. I would like to hear replies on this too. There’s two guys at my work. They’re good workers and nice guys but both of them have a bad habit of telling the most uninteresting boring stories and rambling on forever.

    Personally when I tell stories, I like to include a lot of jokes and relatable observations and give other people room to talk but not these guys. They’ll seriously talk over you and not let you give any input and it’ll be the most mundane boring story ever about Steve waiting in line at the post office. 😴

    I usually sit through it, because I don’t want to seem rude, but it’s torture. One of them always complains about how he’s been single for 15 years. In my head I always think, I know why.

  3. “I know you’re really passionate about ____, but can we talk about something else?”

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