I recently am in a new place and just got a job not too long ago that has a lot of employees by my age, restaurants, which I hear are notorious for everyone partying or hooking up,I don’t want hook up have relationship but I don’t want friends or not even friends I just want invited or to be talked to like conversations. Like I don’t know how to get people to like me maybe it’s my personality, or I’m shy but I will go out of my way to walk up to people and talk. I just feel like should I just like barge in when people are talking and include myself when I see a moment I take it but that doesn’t seem to be getting me traction. I don’t get it because people are super nice to my face for the most part so I don’t think they necessarily dislike me, thought it feels like it, maybe i forget because I tend to only connect if it instant best friends and the coldness feels like rejection.

  1. Stop wanting to be liked by everyone. Be your own person, by this I don’t mean be yourself, but just be genuine and make yourself into a good person/the person you want to be. Focus on yourself and people will come to you, or you can seek them out yourself, go places, talk more. For work, being more confident in posture, speaking and such will definitely gain you more friends.

  2. I just wanna say that i do feel the same way as you, at times i feel absolutely uneasy and unhappy about all this; but seriously what annoys me the most are people who just say stuff like ” be yourself ppl will come to u ” etc kind of bullshit instead of giving me a solution for the problem at hand : how do i have fun? How do i get natural at talking and interacting with people?… and so on

    I enjoy talking to people just that i dont know how to start a convo at times or how to keep it going; its easier said than just ” it’s simple all u need to do is talk”, like do u hear urself???

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