There is a girl in my class who is honestly wayy out of my league, and i’ve kinda missed up on so many signs in my past. i dont want to fuck it up this time
Well since i considered her out of my league i’ve never really considered talking to her.
One day before exams we decided to discuss and prepare about exams, where we both absolutely hit it off, it seemed like we could talk endlessly for hours without getting bored.(Were not really close friends)

I thought she was being polite by adjusting her personality and making sure the conversation doesnt go stale.

But a week ago we met up again, and again hit it off so quickly. and had so much to talk about, be it silly or stupid shit. even though we dont share anything in common. and she’s obviously just miles out of my league, while im just a sucker/loser.

the last time i hit it off that easily with a girl, i realised she had a crush on me, when she revealed it to me later(we both secretly liked each other, just didnt wanna ruin our friendship)

also a couple of googling i found out that these are the signs to check out if a girl likes me(im not a creep, just dont wanna mess it up like that time):-
\- she initiates 60% of the conversation
\- her body is turned towards me during the conversation
\- whenever i am sitting with my friends but a little close to her, she makes sure to talk to me
\- we cant maintain eye-contact for long

now im not sure if she’s being polite, or she likes me
i like her too, but why would she choose some loser like me out of everyone else is what is keeping me from asking her
am i overthinking this? is she just being polite and i’m behaving like an incel?

oh also she recently revealed about her breaking with her boyfriend out of the blue, it was kinda confusing at first, and then according to a couple posts on reddit it’s supposed to be a sign…

  1. “Leagues” are bullshit. Everyone has different opinions of themselves and others. If someone likes you, don’t question it.

    Ask her out.

  2. The whole “league” thing is your imagination.

    It is also an excuse to not take a chance.

    Look a possible scenarios here.

    You ask her out, you have a great time, end up dating for a while, but you aren’t right for each other and it doesn’t last.

    You ask her out, you go on a date, you find out that she is a supporter of that terrible political party that you could never support. There is no second date. You are glad.

    You ask her out, she ridicules you for asking. Many think that is the worst possible outcome, but what it tells you is that she is a horrible person, not that you are.

    You ask her out, you go on a few dates. She is the love of your life, you live together happily for many decades and havw a bunch of kids. It is difficult at times, but you get through it together.

    You don’t ask her out. 20 years from now, you run into her at the bank. She is in town for a wedding, the kids are in the car. Just before you are called, she sheepishly admits she had the biggest crush on you, but you never asked her out, and she always assumed that you weren’t attracted to her because of her horrible (her most endearing quality)

    Every possible outcome is better than the last one.

  3. The only way to know for sure is to ask her out. You already have proof in the past that similar signs led to your feelings being reciprocated. Another reason is for your mental well being.

    I would recommend you become more honest to yourself about your feelings. Saying she is in another league won’t change how you feel about her. If you are okay remaining friends then move on, if not ask her out. I bet you will feel much more free afterwards once you make a decision and follow through with it.

  4. Stop putting yourself down! You’re just two people getting to know each other. Stop judging it by other people’s experiences!

  5. Stop making assumptions and ask her out. The worst case scenario is she rejects you, but at least you will not live with the doubt of “what if…”.

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