There’s been a small wild bird trapped in my garden for a couple of days now. I didn’t realise it was trapped at first but the penny has just dropped. It can’t fly more than a foot off the ground and is constantly running around my garden trying desperately. It’s breaking my heart watching the little fella but I don’t particularly want to attempt to catch it and take it to a vet to be honest. Do the RSPB deal with this kind of thing? I really don’t know the procedure. Help appreciated!

  1. We had this happen last year. There was a Facebook group that recommended a local lady, who took it in for us and nurtured it back to health.

  2. It is unlikely anyone will attend an injured wild bird.

    You probably will have to catch it yourself and take it to a vet or wildlife sanctuary.

    You can google and ring up your local wildlife sanctuary for advice.

  3. Unfortunately most charities are too busy to deal with birds and animals unless their life is critically at risk.

    You could try phoning the RSPCA but I reckon they will refuse to come out, but it’s still worth a try.

    Birds are very fragile and may not be able to be handled if you try to do so yourself. I found a bird that had broke its wing after being rejected from its nest. I took it in an put it in a shoe box (with holes) with a blanket, some water and some black berries I found on the way back. I tried calling RSPCA but they couldn’t help due to being busy. Unfortunately it died the following the day.

    Hopefully this doesn’t happen and it gets the help it needs. If you do decide to look after it, google what you need to do before getting it as they can be a handful.

    Edit: as suggested also, looking for a local that deals with animals on Facebook is a good shout.

  4. Literally happened to me last week. Thought the cat would get it but she just rolled around on the lawn trying to be its friend.

    The mother kept coming down to feed it berries from the hedge. Day three it flew off.

  5. Circle of life. I try not to interfere unless a human is in danger, or maybe one of my personal pets.

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